Beyonce’s ‘4’ Crosses 1 Million Sales Mark

Published: Wednesday 28th Dec 2011 by Sam

Christmas may be be over, yet it seems Beyonce has one unopened gift under her tree – a Platinum sales plaque.

Full story after the jump…

Controversial on many a front, the superstar’s ‘4’ opus has been the subject of heated debate between fans and critics alike. Indeed, while the LP is hailed as her most sonically cohesive, its sales (since arriving in stores back in July) are the slowest of her otherwise stellar track record. What’s more, the set has yet to birth any front-running ‘hit’ single.

Yet, in an occurence which’ll go someway in silencing the naysayers, the ‘Run The World’ led collection has finally crossed the one million sales mark in the US (1,036,793 as of December 28th). An expected feat given the length and breadth of her fame, yet a highly commendable one given the circumstances.

As one who’s oft been critical of the lack of attention apportioned to specific singles in Beyonce campaigns, her visual flood-fill of the marketplace really rears its purpose here. For, though her “100 videos per album” all too often dilute her chance of notching up more #1 singles, it’s this very same approach which helps steer her to success in the arena which matters most – album sales. Indeed, love her or loathe her, the vids  for ‘Countdown’ and co, along with the TV specials, and DVD releases, have kept her a fixture on the tongues of many – ultimately resulting in this project’s Platinum (sold-not shipped) status.

That said, it’s imperative she and her team cultivate a model which lays dual emphasis on both album sales and single chartings. For unlike many of the acts who can only sell albums, the 30 year old has it in her arsenal to really do damage on both tally’s. How or why ‘Single Ladies’ (released 3 years ago) is her last Singles chart-topper is startling when put in context.

In any case, congrats King B!

Your thoughts?

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  1. MISHKA December 28, 2011

    Brooklyn-Jesus , you can get out now, honey !!!

    Mommy went Plaaaatinum! Mommy went Plaaaatinum! Mommy went Plaaaatinum!


    Hmm well I’m glad she did it before the year ended. I’m surprised anyone still wants to pick up a copy of 4clousre but good for her 😀 #basicbitch

  3. Marvin December 28, 2011

    If she actually focused on ONE single at a time, she would sell better. Releasing videos whenever and not promoting is why she hasn’t done as good.

  4. Cassidy December 28, 2011

    Well done queenB 🙂
    Haters suck a fat one 🙂

  5. Jess December 28, 2011

    So thats her 4th platinum album? I can’t hate. Congrats Bey!

  6. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Best selling RnB album of the year!

    And she didnt even have to cheapen it to 4.99 or feckin 99cents (no shade to Gaga) or release it during the holiday rush. All despite a 3weak leak. Where yo boss at?

  7. MichaelJacksonForever December 28, 2011

    Congrats Beyonce! To be honest the album is really good!


    @BEY’KNIGHT It isn’t the highest selling R&B album of the year. Technically that title is being properly held by Adele so you can go sit down somewhere. No one is checking for Beyonce besides her basic ass fans (which is why she took so long to go platinum).

  9. Lax December 28, 2011

    Good for Her she works hard, Respect her even if she does
    have some Loose Cannons in her Crowd, Who Acts a Dam
    Fool No Matter What!

  10. LittleMonster December 28, 2011

    Adele is not R&B, I can’t believe you thought she was lmao! Anyways congrats Bey!

  11. Lax December 28, 2011

    Hummmmmmm Okay Here we go she did good
    But ADELE Still Mopped the Floor with that Ass
    Now Didn’t She. I am not Hating i am Stating and you
    know its the Truth, Bee Hive? Yall can Jump & Shout
    and ADELE Still Tapped that Ass Right along with all
    of the Rest of the Artist. And hey let ADELE Get
    her shine she Works Hard too.

  12. dgraten8 December 28, 2011

    It should also be noted that her album was never $3 either…the joint was $10 for a long time…while other artist are selling theirs for 2 cent. IJS

  13. MusicFan December 28, 2011

    Hate, hate and more hate lmao!
    I see Beyonce still has haters pressed..Congrats Beyonce !

  14. Lax December 28, 2011

    What is ADELE I though she was R&B??????

  15. Chris December 28, 2011

    She did that!!!

  16. BeyHIVE December 28, 2011

    And Yet You Dumb B****** Still Calling it A Flop When TTT Struggled To Go Gold Ha And @4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH Adele Is Categorized As POP Sweety

  17. Malay December 28, 2011

    So what Lool – Slowest sales yet and No number 1 hit yet….dispite the OVER EXPOSURE and OVER THE TOP PUBLICITY – People are getting bored and tired of the fat b****….keep it movin h**

  18. Jess December 28, 2011

    We all know Adele is slaying and she deserves all the sales and success she gets but this is a Beyonce why is Adele even being brought up?

  19. Jay December 28, 2011


    Why you getting so riled up for. They clearly said R&B…not best selling album of the year. Here you go from yahoo:
    “Beyonce’s 4 rebounds from #64 to #33 in its 26th week. The album sold 46K copies this week, which pushes it over the 1 million mark. It’s the 11th album to reach that level so far this year. It’s the best-selling (non-rap) R&B album for the year-to-date.”


    Adele is R&B. I can’t believe people are trying to discredit her work to give Beyawnce yet another fake title. Don’t be mad because Adele can sell albums while 4 is just barely in the top 40.

  21. @DaRealRastaBwoi on Twitter December 28, 2011

    I am sure this was expected.. Congrats Mrs carter n Happy Holidays

    Follow me on twitter @DaRealRastabwoi and check out my videos and subscribe

  22. S*** (U MAD?) December 28, 2011


    B’DAY >>>>> THRILLER!


    4 >>>>>>>>>> 21!!!!!!!!!!!


  23. BeyHIVE December 28, 2011

    @LAX Yet Adele Also STANS For Queen Bey.. So Does Gaga…

  24. INK. December 28, 2011


    This is WITHOUT a #1 single WITHOUT a TOP 10 single with out a HUGE radio support with #1 single on iTunes.! 1 million in US and over 2.2 million worldwide selling off her NAME alone

  25. Frankie December 28, 2011

    so no hit single .. no dance pop tracks .. 3 and half week prior leak and STILL debuts at number one and goes platinum in 6 months .. Only B! #WHORUNTHISMOTHA ..and thanks sam for that SOLD not SHIPPED shade LOL


    @JAY Adele is an R&B/Soul artist. She isn’t Pop and therefore she does have the highest selling R&B album of the year along with just the highest selling album of the year in general. Beyonce fans need to work on trying to pick up a few more copies of 4lop and stop trying to discredit other artists.

  27. JJFAN1814 December 28, 2011

    lmao…How long ago was this album released though? oooohhhh yeah, exactly.

    First SAM posts 1 million WW, now 1 million in the U.S.

    Where is Rihanna’s 1 million WW post?


  28. INK. December 28, 2011


    Adele 21 album is NOT R&B just because there’s ballds on the album and she can sing doen’t make it R&B fool

  29. THE GREAT LACEFRONCE. December 28, 2011


    Its taken BLEACHonce 5 months to sell 2 million ww and Queen Ri has sold 1.5 m ww in a month? 😕

    Embarrassing !!!!

  30. BeyHIVE December 28, 2011

    @4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH Hunny Adele Is POP.. She Is Old Schol Pop Not that Trashy Pop S*** That Is On The Radio.. That Shows How Brain Washed You Young Dumb b****** Are

  31. JJFAN1814 December 28, 2011

    Now we all know S*** is delusional as f***…Because each album it named saying Bey is greater than, has gotten more praise and sales than any of bey’s album…


  32. S*** (U MAD?) December 28, 2011

    So Thats what…

    1M in the US!
    & 2.2 MILL WW!

    Maybe thats bad for BEY but Not Bad for everything else lol 😀

    Esp when you look at some of her Peers (BRITNEY, XTINA) now thats LOW!


    Almost all sells are low anyway.

    & Plus Bey is also up there with WATCH THE THRONE’s Sells!!! Plus its HIGHEST SELLING R&B ALBUM OF THE ENTIRE YEAR 🙂


    1) 4-EVER-LEGEND
    2) 21


  33. Jay December 28, 2011


    Fist off, I’m a huge Adele fan. This was totally her year, but I’m just going off of what the official charts says NOT stans…Jeez.


    @BEYHIVE/INK Adele is R&B. What is so hard for you to understand about that? what world do you live in where Adele would not be considered a Soul artist? honestly I’d like to know. You all are trying too hard.


    @Jay I’m not even saying that Adele is “strictly” a Soul artist. To be honest her album had a bit of everything. But it is still the best selling R&B/Pop album of the year. I just don’t like to see people not giving credit where it is so obviously due.

  36. INK. December 28, 2011

    I agree with you same Beyonce has it to rule albums and singles chart I hope the next album will do that

  37. JJFAN1814 December 28, 2011

    Even Drake, on his 2nd album, managed to cross 1 million U.S. sales faster than Bey did…………….*Sips tea*

  38. S*** (U MAD?) December 28, 2011

    LOL @ Adele being R&B… Then Beyonce is ROCK lol


    lets not even go there, Adele is a POP breed mix just like Taylor Swift & all the other SENSATIONS. 😆

    I must say though Adeles success is Amazing but I wonder how much of it can be penned on other factors such as LUCK. 😕

    21 is POP/BLUES/SOUL… R&B it is NOT!

    I hope her Bandwagon “Fans” are STILL here when she releases 25 😆

  39. There is enough place for every artist – Stans stop hating others December 28, 2011

    4 is a solid album without any stand-out tracks. Professionally it’s really good, commercially it is a disaster. Despite having so many singles, videos, promotional pushes, etc.

    The main reason of her flopping year is that there is no more Daddy Knowles who buys sales, radio airplay, awards and stuff like that.

    I love Beyonce, she has real talent, but seriously she was one of the most overrated artist of the last 10 years, because her father bought her awards and success.

  40. OpaLibra December 28, 2011


    Adele is NOT r’nb. She is soul. Soul and r’nb are NOT the same!

    Stop being so ignorant!



  41. David December 28, 2011

    She did this within five months!!!!!!! Without a hit single!!!!!

  42. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 28, 2011

    4 is her best album but her least successful. All the more reason sales don’t mean s***. Adele’s 21 is more successful than her 19 album but I’m sorry 19>>>>>21. (Not that 21 isn’t AMAZING in every way). The same with IASF and 4. IASF is WAY more successful than 4, but 4>>>>IASF.

  43. JER December 28, 2011

    it only took half a year

  44. Bey’knight December 28, 2011


    1st of all this is a BEYONCÉ POST so u can go hug a lightning poll
    2nd of all, seeing as 4 charted on the hip/rnb charts and 21 did not, u can ditch ur categorisation in volcanic lava
    3rdly, noone gives a rat’s stinking ass who u think is checkin for 4 or solicited a justification from u. U can shove that s*** up your ass and save ot for the next No-life Haters’ Convention.


  45. THE GREAT LACEFRONCE. December 28, 2011

    Queen Ri is RELAXING in Barbados & she’s still outselling 4orgotten 😛 😕

  46. Roman December 28, 2011

    Awwww shaame took “mommy” 6 months to do it…. Pink Friday went platinum in 3 months… Talk That Talk went Gold in 5 weeks…

    So it’s not congrats Bey, it’s time to up ur game or u gunn get left behind… Better yet, just keep quiet love…

  47. JJFAN1814 December 28, 2011

    yall bragging about how it sold 1 mil in 5 months……

    Take Care sold 1 mil in about a month…WITHOUT A HIT SINGLE.


  48. KYLE December 28, 2011

    American idol performance, oprah performance, billboard awards performance, promo overseas, 100 music videos, exaggerated pregnancy, vma performance…. her sales should be double what they are now. what a sad, irrelevant thief.

  49. Royalkev December 28, 2011

    I predicted this on TGJ months ago! I knew this woman would see platinum in only 6months. Now for all of those people that insisted on prematurely calling this album and era a flop, you can all just sulk and start spreading your hate at the start of round 5. I think ya’ll are going to be mad when Bey does some post baby promo. Anyway, Congrats to the King/Queen of music. I am celebrating the Queen on New Years, because this was already expected. Bey still run this 15 years later!


    21 is R&B mixed with Pop and other musical elements. It’s sad that you don’t want to accept that but that’s just the way it goes. Adele is a soul artist and she is considered an R&B/Pop musician outside of obsessive “stans” such as yourselves.

  51. WHUT December 28, 2011

    @KYLE American idol performance, oprah performance, billboard awards performance, promo overseas, 100 music videos, exaggerated pregnancy, vma performance…. her sales should be double what they are now. what a sad, irrelevant thief.



  52. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    @Amazing lee

    Couldnt agree more. All these sales debate is only relevant on the blogs. Critics love. It landed on so many on so many lists of best albums of 2011 list. I’ve seen 1+1, love on top, schoolin life n countdown on the lists of best singles/ songs of 2011 list. Thiz is what Bey wanted – critical acclaim! If she were to perform for the President again, she has befitting songs on 4, no need for At Last. 4 served its purpose!

  53. WHUT December 28, 2011

    Best selling RnB album of the year!

    And she didnt even have to cheapen it to 4.99 or feckin 99cents (no shade to Gaga) or release it during the holiday rush. All despite a 3weak leak. Where yo boss at?



  54. anti-bandwagon rider December 28, 2011

    To the haters….um doesn’t matter how long it took. She still did Platinum with no real hit.

    Also to the dumb asses who thinks adele is R&B……You dont know music period and the R&B charts will back me up.

    I dont know why you hate so much
    This is adele’s year for pop….as in term of commercial success. However there have been more than 25 albums released by independent artist and lower level R&B artist who albums put adele’s album to shame vocally and musically this year. Its all politics
    Plus most of you all are band wagon riders.You have no mind of your own whatever
    is hot at the time you think it’s hot too.

  55. BC December 28, 2011

    huh just cus Adele sings soul does not make her r&b
    she is a pop/blues/soul artist


    @Bandwagon if Adele isn’t R&B then why are her singles also doing well on the R&B/Rap chart? exactly.

  57. BC December 28, 2011

    I do think bey will have another album out next year.

  58. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Lmaooooo did i just see a britbot come for 4 sales????

    Shouldnt u be checkin urself into a rehabilitation clinic moron. That walkin dead u stan for is yet to scan 1.5m ww since March.

    Watchin her makin fool of herself doin whatever the hell she calls a “performance” on tour made people toss their ff cds down the chute rather than buy more copies. Fake b**** cant even pull off basic choreography. Has to lie n hide behind a double to fool u cretins that have been eatin up her act for years.

  59. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    for the greatest singer/entertainer in the world..selling 1 million in 6 months is not something to brag about….

    fyi….adele album 21 is

    adele is just shitting on every bish huh….?

    here comes the…

    -she has 16 grammys….
    -her perfume is number 1 in iceland
    -her lacefront sold more than ur fav…

  60. Oh Baby(putting b****** in their place) December 28, 2011



    @RatedX DEAD @ “her perfume is number 1 in Iceland”

  62. @Rihject December 28, 2011

    YASSS Congrats King Bey! 6 months in with NO hits! #BOSS

  63. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    did i just say a bey stan come for britney?


    britney could release 10 albums right now and and all of them flop..she still will out sell beyonce

    beyonce wish she was on britneys level of fame….

  64. Oh Baby(putting b****** in their place) December 28, 2011

    CHILD HUSH,AREN’T YOU AS A MEMBER OF THE NAVY ALWAYS GOING ON AND ON ABOUT HOW IT’S all ABOUT HOW THE ALBUM DOES IN THE LONG-RUN AND IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW LONG IT GETS TO THE FINISHING LINE,AS LONG AS IT GET’S THERE blah blah blah when it comes to Rihanna’s poor album sales? so again,it’s nap time,but i want you to get several seats for that nap so i say heard to the auditorium for seats that’ll fit you love 😀

  65. mel December 28, 2011


    Bull crap…. get out of here with that fake s***….

  66. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    ur a sick f***,

    its one thing to bash britney for her singing and dancing..

    but going so low as to bring up her fight with bipolar..just to bash her…bipolar is not a f****** thing to joke about, u dumb f***

    u disgust me…..

  67. @Rihject December 28, 2011

    so no hit single .. no dance pop tracks .. 3 and half week prior leak and STILL debuts at number one and goes platinum in 6 months .. Only B! #WHORUNTHISMOTHA ..and thanks sam for that SOLD not SHIPPED shade LOL

    *snaps fingers* I wonder how many of these other “talentless” birds could take a risk like this and pull it off…………………………………………..NONE! kiiiii

  68. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 28, 2011

    I’m so sick of these misinformed people. Adele is a SOUL artist. Yes, she has R&B influences on her music, but it’s MOSTLY SOUL! Geez. The end.

  69. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    wow some of the bey stans are just stupid as f***…

    u can bash somebody for their lack of talent and whatnot..

    but to bring up their battle with a disease and use it as a way to bashed just f****** digusting



  70. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    @RIHJECT…………………….it’s Called RATED R

  71. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Britney will still outsell Beyonce huh

    When though? cus last time i checked Queen Beh has been outselling Britney since 2003. The last year Britney had any relevance. The industry discared Britney cus Beyonce is better at everything, why would they need a blow-up doll when they can the real thing dripping with talent?

    Yeah im sure Beyonce wished she was introducing Britney’s stage performance like Britney did her huh? Which btw is the most entertaining Brit did on any stage this year. Have u read those reviews for that dvd? Yikes sad really. It wasnt “spectacular” as Britney describes Bey’s performances, such a good bey fan she is 🙂
    Here comes the;

    Sales receipt from 1900s
    Bucket load albums

  72. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    Loud tour 90 million>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Beyonce finally past the million mark!

  73. Bey’knight December 28, 2011


    Go to hell, devil’s advocate. Im not the one who said i hate my fellow human beings, esp ones that have no direct impact on my life

    For d record, i dint mention jack about bipolar syndrome. I dont even mind Brit but i’ll drag her further cus her britbot dint have to come on this post in d 1st place.

    No Prisoners!

  74. BC December 28, 2011

    Yup only Beyonce could have pulled this off. with the RISK.
    and as far as the britney fan on here talking about sella….u need 2 sit down.
    Bey out sells britney every year. Even at Beys lowest which is now she manages to out sell many. 7th best selling of the year for an album called a “flop” is pretty amazing 2 me

  75. @Rihject December 28, 2011

    @yead i said it

    maybe you didnt read clearly when i said NO HITS!!!! meaning NO #1’s…RATED R had 1 #1 Rude Boy….and its a 3 mill after TWO years…”4″ is already at over 2 million in SIX months…sit boo

  76. BC December 28, 2011

    anyway just be happy 4 has sold this well. Beyonce is still the Queen. She has lost no popularity or fans.

  77. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    Risk my ass i called it being safe same s*** since DIL just little more classy.LOL!……………Now Rihanna RATED R was a f****** risk!

  78. Girllll December 28, 2011

    i mean well duh it was just Christmas I’m sure ppl bought her cd as gifts, and what’s this tea I’m hearing about her saying run the world was made for the gays? B**** please she tryna pull a lady gaga go sat down somewhere

  79. INK. December 28, 2011

    Yea i said it

    Sorry 4 was a RIsk that’s why Radio didn’t play it songs

  80. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    @RIHJECT………………….so she had #1 watever…………………but beyonce release single after single and now she gone plat in the us………..aint she was to sell off her name and fame (8 years solo and 15 yrs with destiny child), so dont pls

  81. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    honey Beyonce has ALWAYS had support from the gay community….that is a KNOWN fact and she references us in her songs (Freakum Dress) and our Dances…stop trying to reach for shade h**!

  82. INK. December 28, 2011


    Honey, Beyonce been outselling Britney since 2003 Boo Check ur facts lmao!

  83. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    @yea i said it

    Dummy, when she made DIL, rnb songs still made it to the top of d charts

    Safe huh does that puppet u stan for have the vocal skillz to record 1+1, i care, love on top? When rihanna ditches the eurodance sound, u can talk to me about safe then

  84. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    @INK. wasnt played because nobody was feeling it………Adele stuff wasnt bootyshaking music but still was played, so u are wrong sorry

  85. INK. December 28, 2011


    Talk that Flop is NOT Gold it has sold 400k Which 4 did it it’s 2nd week sit down now

  86. Bey’knight December 28, 2011


    Bey never said she wrote RTW for gays. Interviewer asked her if gays can run the world with girls and she said of course; that the songs lyrics encompasses that interpretation as well

  87. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    ur a piece of s***……ur the scum of the earth..

    ur a f****** joke…u came at britney saying shes a robot,,,shes a joke

    u know ur dumb piece of s*** ass was using her disease as a way to bash her…

    ur f****** disgusting……now u wanna hide ur hands when ur piece of s*** ass got called out..

    i cant……..

  88. INK. December 28, 2011

    @Yea i said it

    4 was a risk for Beyonce she didn’t follow any trends like other pop stars did and it still sold over 2.2 million and counting without any BIG HIT singles or #1 singles or any HUGE Itunes sales speaks sorry now have a seat

  89. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    @BEY’KNIGHT…………..first i dont stan for nobody i just like rihanna music and personality (some thing beyonce lack check interview) but however i did use to like beyonce but she just overplayed now, she done it all (I was here) and yes beyonce is great performer that it , a true vocalist no (brandy has that on lock) and rihanna have a unique voice – not the best not the worst, but a voice

  90. Freeway December 28, 2011

    What about her World wide sales…oh right, she aint never get to do what Rihanna did in 2011 on the WW front.

  91. Anne December 28, 2011

    Platinum in 6 months is good now a days only a few artists are able to do better. ONLY ELEVEN ALBUMS SOLD ONE MILLION OR MORE COPIES DURING 2011 and Beyonce’s ‘4’ is one of them. She hasn’t even released the deluxe version to itunes yet. Very impressive for a mainly RnB album.

  92. Tee December 28, 2011

    @RatedXXX but your a fan of Chris Brown and Fame hasn’t sold 1m USA and it has been out for a year! Nor has FF sold over 800K…. #tryagain Bey still wins!!!

  93. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    @INK. ok cool im not stan so i will not go back and forth about it , beyonce had a risk and rihanna had a risk ………everybody wins LOL!

  94. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @rihject frakum dress! really birch? the two drags in her badly put together video? That video had the worst graphics of all the videos from that album, and of course she uses the gay dancers shed be a fool not to…. Bttm line she’s an over rated attention w**** and it took her 5 months to do what drake did in a month I’m sorry boo boo but nobodies really feeling “king b” anymore #next

  95. @Rihject December 28, 2011

    @yeah i said it

    “aint she was to sell off her name and fame (8 years solo and 15 yrs with destiny child), so dont pls”

    LMAOOO @” aint she was to sell” wtf?? but anyways…you just proved that she’s basically just selling off her name alone dummy! yeah she release a bunch of singles or promo singles, but the music from the album was a risk and sounded like NOTHING on 2011’s radio playlist! How many other artist you know went platinum this year with NO hits?? Beyonce will shut all you c**** up, when this next pop album is released…she will sale off her name AND hit singles 😉 …she see you h*** talking and will shut u up!! now please take that seat ——-> _/

  96. Cockiness December 28, 2011

    go for her but that album is dead….theres no coming back…i really dont see it selling any more than that

    and BTW TTT has sold 1.5 million in six weeks…..beyonce hasn’t even sold 2million in 6 months…but ni TTT is the flop

    And stop calling 4 R&B cuz it’s not…

  97. Tee December 28, 2011

    @girlll drake is a hot rapper at the moment! Dumb ass!

  98. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    beyonce has not been outselling britney since 2003

    i dont know where u get that s*** from..

    when u break down their album sales, tour sales, perfume sales..britney shits on her…

    britneys tour as outsold all beyonces tour..look up the circus tour….and every other tours and compare them to beyonces,,,

    dangerously in love was the only album beyonce didnt re release 3 million times

    without all the re releases, britneys albums sales are higher than beyonces..look it up

    perfume sales..u know what im not even going to touch it..f*** it..its in the billions..

  99. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @bey knight thx for clearing that up, but I’m still not convinced she’s all about the gays all these h*** (Kelly Rowland beyonce gaga) have not once performed at a gay pride event but they wanna say how much they love us? Girl please go have that baby and stfu

  100. Tee December 28, 2011

    @Cockiness actually 4 has sold 2.2M WW! #fact

  101. Freeway December 28, 2011

    And what did LOUD sale WW?

    GGGB smashed IAM WW

    TTT will outsell 4 in the end #fact

  102. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @TEE beyonce is supposed to be a hot singer dumb b****

  103. Army of queen Aaliyah & Lil kim December 28, 2011

    Lmfaoooo Did A Nicki Stan Just Compare FLOP FRIDAY To ‘4’ ? !

    4 >>>>>>>>>>FLOP Friday

  104. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    unlike beyonce,,,,britney doesnt need to re release her albums to get big numbers

    circus album has outsold iam album…fact

    circus tour has outsold iam tour…fact

    people always saying the britney stans love to bring up her past numbers…..

    umm circus was released in dec 2008

    iam november 2008

  105. Bey’knight December 28, 2011


    Lmao , u and these your Angry teenage b**** comebacks. I dont havevto explain myself to a hater. To the left to the left booboo

  106. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    once ur passed that 100 million mark

    ur aint got s*** else to prove


    none of these bad bishes got to prove s*** else

  107. INK. December 28, 2011


    CUT the BULL s***

    Beyonce Been Out selling Brtiney since 2003 Beyonce been home more than in her since 2006 FROBES don’t like Boo Beyonce Net Worth is over 500 million Brintey’s is 100-150 million .

    DIL- 12 million IN Zone – 7 million
    BDay- 7 million Blackout 2.5 – 3 million
    IASF – 7.5 million Circus 5 million
    4 – 2.2 million Femme Fatale 1.2 million

    Find a Seat Boo

  108. INK. December 28, 2011


    Sorry 4 has sold over 2.2 million without a #1 single Boo Find a seat

  109. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    check rihanna 2011 year and beyonce 2011 year and see who really smash!

  110. INK. December 28, 2011


    And Beyonce still took home More Money than Britney in 2008 and 2009 LMAO!!!!

  111. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    lol smh No bxtch i was referring to when she says “YES MAM” in the beginning of the song…she quoted that her stylists( Ty Hunter) and other gays she works with keeps her up on the gay “lingo” and she uses them in her songs! She LOVES her gay fans..we are her BIGGEST supporters… and of course the two “queens” in the video as well ;)….DEAL c***

    Im not going to even mention that EPIC video….that was soooo off subject dumb r****** *chuckles*

    “Bttm line she’s an over rated attention w**** and it took her 5 months to do what drake did in a month I’m sorry boo boo but nobodies really feeling “king b” anymore #next”

    The 2 million+ people who purchased her album seem to feel differently and let’s not mention her pregnancy being of more relevancy than anything your fave has done this year! and lastly since you bring Drake up how many albums has Rihanna sold in the u.s since it was released??? wat just over 300,000?? kiiii honey seems as if she’s the one nobody is “feeling”! #NEXXXXXXXXXT!

  112. INK. December 28, 2011

    4 will out sale Rated R without a #1 single lmao!

  113. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    ur the queen of the bitter bishes club

    so …..ur the last person to call anybody a hater

    my hating ass dont sit here and bash every single thing beyonce does..i give the bish her props when needed

    ur bitter ass is on every rihanna post talking s***..
    she gets a number 1 ur ass is bitter,,
    she gets sick on stage ur ass is bitter..she takes a s***..ur ass is bitter.
    .so miss me with tha hater s***

  114. Cockiness December 28, 2011

    2.2 million my ass that s*** fell off the WW chart like 2 monthsa ago…and then it numbers stood at 1.7million so dont give me that bullshits.

    the lowest album on the ww chart back then averaged around 30,000 copies so how the hell did she reach 2.2million…b**** have several

  115. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Circus outsold IASF??

    Lmaooooooooooooo what a britbot smh

    Whats that s*** ur breakng down btw ? Last time Brit made forbes list with 60m+ Bey made 80m+. This year Britney dint even rank top 10 of highest earners.

    I notice ur dumbass always bringin up perfume sales cus u kno Bey’s 1st was only in 2010. Beyonce has 2 clothing lines, Spears has 0! Factor that in booboo

    Anyways it doesn matter how mch Spears has, she still needs daddy’s signature to buy tampon. Can it!0

  116. INK. December 28, 2011


  117. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    what money?

    u think because beyonce was on forbes, that means she made more money than britney,,,,,


    honey…bishes that makes real money dont need to be bragging about it on forbes…

    u dont see billionaires on forbes bragging about their billions

    the question should much money did beyonce make after paying her lawyers, and people to keep their mouth 2008

  118. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @rihject wtf does Rihanna have to do with this? And your the dumb b**** who can’t stay on topic I asked about RTW you come bringing up freakum dress from what 06? Girlllll please how bout you let this h** s*** in your cornflakes and you eat it for breakfast cuz the only thing coming out your mouth about beyonce is b******* #10points b****

    4closure has sold 1m where’s the confetti!? Dumb ass stans

  119. StarBey December 28, 2011

    Did the navy forget that Loud have even reach the 2 million mark in the Us and it has 3 N0#1 hits doesnt it..1 million in six months is good for an album with no hits what so ever…Loud had three hit and it take over a year to sell over 1 millionsit dow navy

  120. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    can we all stop and think for a minute and ask our “shelf” why we go crazy on blog and fight eachother and these singer will never read this and dont care about the comments

  121. INK. December 28, 2011


    Child Shut Up you now sound dumb Britney was on FORBES to it’s just that she hasn’t made more money than Beyonce lmao!
    Stay Mad boo

    Beyonce Net Worth 500 million Britney’s 150 million max SIT DOWN

  122. Tee December 28, 2011

    Britney FF= 719K US Beyonce4= 1M+
    Circus=2M IASF= 3M+
    Blackout= 1M BDAY=4M-/+
    In My Zone= 2M -/+ DIL=5M -/+

  123. Cockiness December 28, 2011

    Let me just say something. some of us come (a little bit too much) to voice ur opinion and reviews about artist, songs albums etc. we disagree alot and argue like crazy but when you come here and with hate and the all to common BITTER B**** syndrome and unset alot of people it’s time you check yourself!!!

    why is it that everyone seems to hate you? that’s the question you should be asking yourself. people respond to you like they want to kill really take a break from blogging

  124. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @ratedxxx RIGHT! And we all know this b**** need lawyers for all the copying she been doing example “countdown” -the video total rip off…. the whole 10,9,8,7 – rip off from boy 2 men…. Let’s not forget RTW was already a sampled beat used by major and p diddy she might wanna keep making concert DVDs and rereleasing albums to stay relevant

  125. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    dead at people using forbes as a source to brag about their favs money…

    forbes only makes estimations…and they also go by what the people tell u honestly think forbes has a copy of these people bank statements?

    they had gaga making millions..and gaga came out and said she was broke from the crazy costume she wears..

    beyonce ass didnt make no damn 80 million…..not with all these people she has to pay off…. still laughing at people using forbes as a source…ahaha

  126. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    the circus tour and album did outsell iam tour and album

    look it up….

    i dont do copy and paste..if ur ass is too dumb to do ur research before u open ur mouth, its not my problem

  127. INK. December 28, 2011


    Where’s ur source

    Our source is known for the Numbers

    *waits on ur source *

  128. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Fool, the list was for CELEBRITIES and not the wgole world n whatever it represents Britney was on it too beneath Beyonce where she belongs ao shove that sh*t up your ass.

    What Bey spends her money is not in question. Its who made more money abd lets not even go into legal problems cus walking dead stiffney still cant sign a cheque for her own ass not to mention the financial drain that was her soap opera lunatic life. Hey is she still payin Kfed? Lol

  129. Freeway December 28, 2011

    RiRi got Beyonce (and Mama Tina) SHHOOOOOOKKKKK #damn

  130. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    notice when ever beyonce ass get sued, it never goes to court?

    and then months later, comes out she settles out of court…

    bish is paying out of her ass..

    she has to work her ass off..those fees doesnt pay themself….

    she cant even take a proper break anymore….lol

    notice how she has an album coming out next yr….what break??????/

  131. Tee December 28, 2011

    @RatedX Britney has to pay Ke$ha cuz she writes her music!

  132. INK. December 28, 2011


    The Tour out gross the IAM tour… Bu the album did NOT out sale IASF

    Circus sold 5 million
    IASF 7.5 million winnig 6 grammys

    And Beyonce still tok home more money than Britney lmao!

  133. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    no honey you’re the DUMG bxtch who was sadly misinformed on how RTW was addressed to the gays and bought up her trying to be like GAGA….you simply didnt know what you were talking about! and i politely corrected you by referencing Freakum Dress, a song in which she uses gay “lingo”! and you further proved my point by bring up the Video from 2006 that includes “GAYS”….2006 was before GaGa’s time….so how is she trying to be like her exactly?? girl if you’re gonna throw shade atleast know what you’re talking about!

    I also bought up Rihanna because you chose to compare my faves U.S. album sales to Drake…and bought up the fact that your fave is currently FLOPPING in the states…..understand girl??

    *THROWS CONFETTI to Celebrate the King’s FOURTH Platinum Album* #staymadhoe!

    shits on cornflakes and eat it??? LMAOO girl that was nasty and don’t bust those little brain cells trying to come up with the next “cute” thing to say 😉

  134. minajesty December 28, 2011

    i like both rihanna and beyonce, but lets not fool ourselves beyonce is more talented next.

  135. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    and whos paying for her court fees and those people she owe money too?

    her dumb delusional stans..

    she will re release an album and add 1 new song on it..and her dumb ass stans goes and buy it…

    how many times did she re release bday and i am….

    all smoke and mirrors..hell alicia keys has sold more albums than she has…FACT

  136. Yea i said it December 28, 2011

    its just all about money money……….wow this world boy i tell you

  137. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    iam only sold 6, 7 million–thats with all the re releases

    circus 8 million…zero re releases

    again what money ur bragging about?

  138. INK. December 28, 2011


    Girllll once u get beat on one thing you go to another



  139. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Lmao forbes only makes estimation, Beyonce dimt make no damn 80million

    We cant believe forbes but we are supposed to belive u huh a Beyonce hater over a reputable establishment gthoh.

    Its funny how Forbes, grammys, american music market etc aint sh*t when haters wanna play down Bey’s success. Ask em for proof; nothing!

    Hey, here’s another nail in your coffin: Beyonce n JayZ werr projected this year to become a billionaire couple by next year. * waits for denial rant*

  140. Tee December 28, 2011

    Alicia Keys = 55M records WW
    Beyonce= 75M records WW

  141. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    thats what people usually do..they pay people to write music for them…

    hence songwriters…..

    i’m sorry i didnt get the point u were trying to make..and im not being a smart ass

    beyonce also has to pay the dream, neyo and who ever else writes her songs…

  142. Tee December 28, 2011

    @RatedX show me reciptes for Circus please and thank you!!

  143. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    75 million includes destiny child numbers


    why do her stans stay including destiny child numbers…and grammys..

    i mean really

    u wanna brag about how great she yet u have to add her destiny child grammys and numbers?

    yea ok…..

  144. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    show me the receipt for beyonces 75 million as a solo arist

  145. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @rihject who’s flopping b****? Not drake that’s for sure and where’d you confirm the whole tea about RTW? Nowhere b**** bey knight confirmed the interview your dumb ass brought up sum s*** from 06 just to stay relevant b**** please get a life and stay off beyonces d*** that b**** don’t kno you and she ain’t payin your bills I’m glad you thought shitting in your cornflakes was cute and trust I’m never mad at this chicks success do u beyonce but don’t be acting like you love the gays honey! It’s just sad we are the only ones buying this chicks music and since your on here defending this chick like she’s your sister why don’t you tell that h** to perform at gay pride and stop using “gay lingo” #whackassfaghag

  146. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    Girllll once u get beat on one thing you go to another

    LMAOOOOO ain’t that the truth!! it’s official this bxtch “HATES” Beyonce, but comes on here and makes a fool out herself with NO reciepts! smh

  147. INK. December 28, 2011


    Over 80 million records as of 2009 trust once her numbers update it’s over 100 million solo artist and Destiny’Child has sold over 65 million records Thank You

  148. Bey’knight December 28, 2011


    Hey rhitard, diplo produced run the world for Bey. Who is he gon sue? Himself. 2nd, there is no lawsuit for countdown. The only person that was sued for video plagiarism this year was your girl, rihanna for 100million dollars. Like d sound of that ?

    Wats so funny about citing forbes as source? We asked u for urs, u got none excpt for ur deluded hatred, only a fool laughs at themselves. Bey cant take proper break? U must have her confused with ur dear Rihanna. U can sit on blogs convincing urself Bey has financial problems, QueenBey stay househuntin for a 12million dollar mansion to raise her baby, shoppin at high end stores everyday, exchanges bugatti n Island property gifts with her hubby and best of all makin mo money than Rihanna even on her year off

    Btw what we buy is our business not yours n IASF was not rereleased. It was a reissue, almost a year after the original n it already sold 6million by then which is stil more than Britney!

  149. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    u think beyonce is worth more than britney?


    ok…in what world?

    ok u just took ur delusion to the next level…..beyonce is worth more than britney…ahahahahhah

  150. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    ive dismissed ur bitter fake ass along time ago….

    i dont need to prove s***…..all u have to do is do ur research,,,if ur too lazy to get out of beyonce asshole to do research, thats not my problem

    ur the fakest bey stan on u saying i have hatred is a f****** laugh,,,,bish stoop as low to using somebodys disease to bash them

    and ur gonna call me a hater…..ok…im done talking to u…fake wannabe beyonces baby pillow ass..newsflash..its jayz’s job to lick her asshole eveyday….

    fake bish..ur dismissed

  151. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    OMG i am talking to an IDIOT…let me help you out…since you forgot!

    Bey’knight to you (dummy)—–>”@girlll

    Bey never said she wrote RTW for gays. Interviewer asked her if gays can run the world with girls and she said of course; that the songs lyrics encompasses that interpretation as well”

    You(dummy) to Bey’Knight——–>”@bey knight thx for clearing that up”

    LOL dumb c***! you’re getting upset arent you?? you’re a dummy and you’ve been corrected bxcth…and just like Beyonce not paying my bills *plays Independent Women* she’s DAM sure not even acknowledging your ass for spending just as much time on here spewing hate!

    P.s.>>>>> Let that cornflake eat s*** go…b**** i told you once that was NASTY and LAME….like your entire existance! nothing CUTE about it!

  152. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @r****** um it’s known that b**** settled out of court lol get your facts straight boo boo and Rihanna is not my girl idk where u get that from honey the only artist I’ve mentioned that I like is Drake and you won’t touch that topic cuz u know hes out sellin ms fake belly f** h** all day #next

  153. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    show me the receipts u have that shows beyonce has sold over 75 million as a solo artist…..

    all ur doing is running ur mouth………………… me the receipts

  154. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    U keep mentionin lawsuit, rihanna, britney n majority of mainstream artist have been sued multiple times

    Another thing, why shouldnt DC success be counted towards Bey’s? One of the best selling girl groups of all time n she was the lead singer. Success in a group and success as a solo act. That’s an achievement in itself. If Rih wasnt watchinbDC she would have no career

    I luh the way u jus stick the word: fact to end of a sentence as if that somehow authenticates it … “FACT” my ass!

  155. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    Hun Drake is “RAPPER”…he’s the HOT rapper at the moment….they tend to do better in first couple of week sales than singers but fall off shortly….see-Lil Wayne….

    It’s great that drake can get those types of sales…i LOVE him as well….but Drake hasn’t accomplised 10% of what Beyonce has and he doesnt have half the star power that she does…so that was a WEAK comparison anTyways!

  156. Girllll December 28, 2011

    @rihject b**** really? you need to go back and read what u posted your a dumbass I know what bey knight said but what u said still has no relevance I dnt care about freakum dress my initial blog asked about RTW you took it upon yourself being the washed up queen that you are to try and hit me with facts that beyonce loves the gays NO B**** she loves your money now shut up girl I’m done with you

  157. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    “@r****** um it’s known that b**** settled out of court lol get your facts straight boo boo ”

    Its a known fact??? would you mind posting receipts…since it’s so known… i mean her stans would be the first to know this kind of info right?? stop reaching b****!

  158. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    poor little tink tink

    wants my attention so bad….

    @rihject…ur name is rihject and ur talking s*** about people hating..

    bish,,,u know what too f****** easy…

    how the hell ur on here calling people haters ..when ur bitter ass name is rihject…..

    than again u stan for the biggest fakest wanna be legend out why should i expect u to use a thing call common sense

    too f****** easy..i swear…

  159. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Oooh she done “dismissed” me, oh no what imma do now …

    B**** get real, this aint yo fantasy alternate reality. Screw u and your presence. Read the post:?Beyonce!!!!!!

    Cant stand the heat? The hell u doin in the kitchen …. Ivayase!

  160. Bey’knight December 28, 2011

    Clap clap clap. If all else fails, “dismiss” b**** u replied to my comment first. Jus admit ive roast ur ass enough for 1 post. Weakling, be givin the same b******* tactics n baseless excuses u gave last year. Ask her for proof? Her hatin trifling lowlife ass has none!

  161. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    OMG this is my LAST reply to your SLOW A$$!!! i was replying to your comment you said about Beyonce trying to be like GAGa when it comes to the gays…when Beyonce has supported, mentioned, used in her music/videos gay people before GaGa was even thought of! That’s why Freakum Dress was mentioned you igonorant little c***!

    And Beyonce LOVES your hate ….it’s b****** like you that help keep her “relevance” you stupid ILLITERATE bxtch!

  162. Another Star December 28, 2011

    Beyhive Just Laugh At The Nolife Having Loser Non Muthafuckin Broke Ass Jealous Ass Factor Ass Beyotches!!! F*** Em Bumbitches Are Lonely Ass F*** Especially That High Ass Junkie Ass H** X My Ass After She F**** 4 A Blunt!! Anyway I hear Bey’s having her baby as we speak!!!!

  163. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    the difference is britney ass doesnt get sued every freaking week..or get call out for her lies every week

    so miss me with that b******* everybody get sued…beyonce is the only that get sued over the same dumb s***..lyin and cheating people out of their money, every other week…

    u stans stay makin up dumb f****** excuses…the bish has proven to be a fraud over and over and over again

    her lawyers makes more money than she does..

  164. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    YESSSSS honey my USERname is Rihject!!!!! being the oh so dumb b**** that you are im pretty sure you dont even know what it means or who it’s directed towards….lol just as BASIC as the bxtch in your avatar

    and yesss boo i stan for KING BEYONCE….the most beautiful, talented woman on the planet….whom by the way seems to stay on your PRESSED mind!

    you’ve been read enough today dear lmaoooo how bout you just step away from the keyboard, take a seat, better yet lay in the bed come back tomorrow and quote the same TIRED RECYCLED s*** you say about Beyonce EVERYDAY again….k 😉

  165. @Rihject December 28, 2011

    that was to Rated xxxx (basic bxtch)

  166. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    rolls eyes….too f****** easy…..

    its a known fact beyonce uses the gay community…they are her biggest money market

    she herself said britney and madonna kiss at the mtv awards, was not christian like…

    fast foward to bday…now she claims she loves the gays…

    she also said she would never take her clothes off to sel records., it wasnt christian like…..bish is so fake

  167. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    notice when the beyonce stans aint got s*** else relevant to say..they start with the name calling it never fails….i mean really ..rolls eyes

    3..basic b****
    5 .ugly

    i guess when ur fav is basic..u have to act basic……i swear i die laughing at some of these stans

  168. @Rihject December 28, 2011


    Sad thing is the 5 things you listed represent who you are! kiiiiiii

    If my fave is Basic….what do you call the mess in your avatar?? lol that’s the real Ki…..Good night hunz….im pretty sure you’re suffering from a few muscle aches after that draggin Bey’Knight and Ink put on your a**…i’ll spare ya! #toodles

  169. RICHNBLACK11(JUST LIKE BEY) December 28, 2011



  170. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    @anoher star is born

    did u catch ur husband with another d*** in his ass again..

    is that y ur so mad?

    i guess i would be bitter as f*** if my husband would rather f*** a dude than f*** my dry ass, fake ass wanna be christian ass

    dont get me started on ur fake basic b**** ass….i can be nice..but stay in ur f****** lane

  171. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011


    thats how pathetic ur basic ass is..ur have to resort to bashing REAL TALENT, just to prove s***..

    ur just proved my point…..thats what basic b****** do..bring up people that aint got s*** to do with the post just to bashed them..

    again..ur name is rihject..u shouldnt be coming at anybody for hating..since ur ass is bitter as f*** when it comes to rihanna..

    get the f*** out of here and choke on these nuts…im done talking to ur basic bitter ass….ur boring NEXT

  172. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 28, 2011

    and how r u going to ask for receipts when ur basic ass cant even show f****** receipts

    man please..i swear some people are just retarded as hell

  173. fagswerkmynerves December 28, 2011

    w**** i mean 4 is not r&b..that is straight up garbage..nuff said~ and whorhiana can’t sing either` they both need to go away~

  174. WHUT December 28, 2011

    YESSSSS honey my USERname is Rihject!!!!!


    *Buzzzzzz* I’m sorry hun that’s the wrong answer.

    Your username every since you IN TRUE basic b**** fashion you forgot to change emails over from account number 7 thousand of your TGJ accounts is


    I’ll go ahead an assume Andre is your real name just to make it all the sweeter gurl.

    Yes @Andreject it is.

  175. Another Star December 28, 2011

    Lmao Poor Tink Tink Let Me See You’re Probably Smoking Your Dope As Usual,Sitting In Your Project Ass Apartment Sweating Out Your 10 dollar quick weave miserable as Usual.Lmao You are only good for sucking a married mans d*** for 10 dollars and hating on The Carters 24/7 365 days of the year and arguing with people on the net 24/7 because no real man wants your cogniving,high,nothing,bumbitchass!!!! You’re A F***** Loser H** and It Shows Everytime You Break Your Damn Neck Running to Beyonces post.We know yall h*** don’t have s*** goinhg 4 yourselves,you’re always mad at the Bad Made B****** That Has The Life You Can Only Dream Of Having!!!! Lmao Lying about you know Jay personally.If you do you were only a f***** dicksucking groupie that the crew ran through back in the day.Awwwww That’s It Isn’t It You 24 year old loney nothing ass Beyotch!!!! B**** why weren’t you with a man on Xmas instead of hating on Beyonce.Lmao Because don’t nobody want your broke ugly dogass.You’re A 1cent trailer trash rat ass bumproject H** Who Always Will Be A F***** Hater!!!! Get You A Man,A F***** Life,A Damn Job,Turn Your Junkie Ass Into Rehab 4 2012 and stop giving up that old nasty ass up for weed ok!!!! Lmao Now Smoke And Choke To That You Weakass Nothing Ass slutbucket ass tramp.Get A Dayum Life H** and Get Your Tired Ass Off Of The Carters D*** With Your Stupidass!!! Bet You’re A Ugly B**** Too.Lmao You Wished You Were Beyonce With Your Dogass

  176. Freeway December 28, 2011

    Exactly, that is a BASIC camp.

  177. Girllll December 28, 2011


    we got you that upset b**** got you over there postin blogs to yoself ur the perfect example of a dumb b****

    And Just like you say it’s b****** like me that keep beyonce relevant it’s bitchs like you that keep Rihanna relevant (RIHJECT) get the f outta here wit that bs if u oh so loving ms beyonce then rep her instead of haitin on Rihanna…”beyonces the greatest she’s so beautiful I’ll kill for her” lookin ass get a life b****

  178. T December 28, 2011

    For the people who still calling beyonce a flop in case you haven’t noticed this post may be about her crossing the 1million mark in the states and the 2million mark ww but the album is still selling. her numbers do that with each album, by the end of the album year her numbers are no where near where she was at the beginning. if you think in the next six months her sells will still be at 2.2 ww and 1million in the states, your crazy. im not a stan but if you look at the numbers and previous it speaks for itself. this album will sell 4million or more ww.

  179. Morgan December 28, 2011

    Stfu rated xxxx you dont s*** about bey. So keep her name outa your mouth. Bye s***!!!!!

  180. Girllll December 28, 2011


    That’s so true she did say she wouldn’t take her clothes off but correct me if I’m wrong wasn’t that h** naked on the Sasha fierce portion from I AM? Tsk tsk beyonce

  181. tee December 28, 2011

    last hit single ladies ? boring ass song!

  182. unoriginal overrated beyonce! December 28, 2011

    love u @rated u tell only truth!

  183. Lol December 28, 2011

    beyonce is an overrated butch queen with fat thighs and a big head nuff said lol

  184. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 28, 2011

    At the end of the day Beyonce is a played out flop. I don’t know why people are dragging Forbes into this or pretending that Britney hasn’t sold millions of albums and hasn’t already earned her place as a legendary entertainer despite the efforts that she has released since 2007. If we’re talking about Britney’s numbers lets compare her earlier albums such as Baby, Oops , and Britney against Beyonce’s 4 raggedy ass albums and see what the sales gap looks like. These ignorant ass Beyawnce fans need to keep their mouths shut.

  185. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 28, 2011

    And by the way Zone sold over 10 million copies WW so people still don’t have a reason to be talking 😉

  186. Another Star December 28, 2011

    I gotta admit…Beyonce is a flop ass fake belly wearing b**** who’s lost her touch. This dry lacefront wearing , growlin, grunting b**** is OVER.

    Too bad Rihanna done took her shine. 4 Was a big ass flop ass mess, Beyonce proved that she is a PUPPET, Matthews puppet and can’t stand on her own two feet. I realize that this is not the type of person that I want to Stan for. Not only that this lying b**** has been called out so many times even during this era for stealing. This is who the BrokeHive calls a LEGEND and icon? Look at all of the icons of the past.. mi Janet Madonna..they were all INNOVATORS..Who can say that Beyonce is? Nobody in reality shell never be a legend cause shell never compare to these artists.

    I’m joining the NAVY!!

  187. mesa December 28, 2011

    Correct me if I’m wrong but beyonces never gotten sued, she didn’t get sued for the single ladies video, she didn’t get sued for the billboard awards performance, nor did she get sued for countdown. She got called out about it but not lawsuit was filed against her…..and rated xxx I love jasmine Sullivan she’s talented but do you really have to bash beyonce like she stole your man or something, its like you hate the woman…beyonce is one of the hardest working women in the industry, she has nothing to prove to anybody…yes 4 didn’t do all that well according to some people but its an amazing album, I think that’s all that really matters…and rihanna stans this exactly why I can’t Roc with you h***, cuz you guys think numbers make rihanna better than beyonce, makes rihanna a better artist…and it doesn’t its just numbers!!! Just because somebody went out and bought her album doesn’t mean they like it, so quoting record sells and such doesn’t mean anything…. In the end it all comes down to talent, pure talent….and we all know bey kills rihanna and britney when it comes to that…..oh and britney she was the ish back n the day, but she doesn’t have it anymore so there’s no need to even bring up her stats…its like none of this is neccessary, this is why the industry is messed up now because all people care about his numbers record sells, how Much money there fave made, how much the tour brought in, hello what about the music?? And why do people still continue to compare bey and rihanna I have no clue….because if we take away the number ones, album sells, all of that….it comes down to talent….and rihanna has already proven that she doesn’t have it, she cant even sing and move at the same time. Beyonce is gonna be rememberd for her talent, the reason why she’s where she’s at right now! Rihanna got signed because jay thought she can kinda sing and he can turn her into a superstar, but hell she doesn’t even sing or try anymore….rihanna puts 10 percent into her performances..that’s why I don’t get why people even compare the two.

  188. Another Star December 28, 2011

    ROTFLMFAO!!! Poor Kids You Fools Have Too Much Time On Your Hands Don’t You!!!!! I will continue to change my gravatar ya dig!!! Beyhive Get Ready To Celebrate Beyonce’s Baby’s Birth Into The World!!!! F*** Yall F****!!! Congrats Bey Bey!!! I know yall want to argue like dogs allday everyday on the net because It Has To Suck To Be A Non Mutha F***** Factor but other sites are off the chains right now,buzzing about King B,So Bye Sour Bitterass Mofos!!!! Lmao Chow

  189. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011


    she also had that nasty girl put ur clothes on song with destiny child too..

    and what is she doing down? how many pics has this bish been half naked on?

    the bey stans goes in on other folks for selling ass..and claim when beyonce does it its sexxy/classy…

    what the hell is classy about a 37 yr old married woman popping her p**** left and right and singing about woman power..

  190. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 29, 2011

    Misinformed people really irk me. LOL!

    When did Forbes become unreliable? If it is then what is reliable?

    How do we know who’s getting sued or how much an artist is paying their lawyer? Do we a reliable source for that?

    How does someone get the information that an artist’s lawyer gets paid more than them? Or how much their settlements are or if they have settlements at all?

    So we also know that someone lies and cheats people out of their money? When and where did it happen?


  191. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    i was just on the rihanna post..and a bey stan claim Iam tour sold 100 million

    which is a f****** lie..because billboard themselves said i am only sold 86 million

    but the circus tour has sold over 135 million

    isnt 135 higher than 100?

    but i gave them the extra14 million

    britney circus still out sold iam…


    thats y the bey stans need to shut the f*** up sometimes…..they always put their foot in their mouth

  192. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    again…forbes doesnt know whats in ur bank account….

    they only rely on estimation and what the artists tell them

    thats a known fact….

    if my tour makes a 300 million..forbes is going to report i made 300 million in a tour..

    but the 300 million doesnt go in my bank account..because there are people i have to pay that was involve in that tour..forbes is not going to report all that s***…

    its not that they are not reliable..its just that they have been proven wrong many times..

  193. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 29, 2011

    @MESA Learn how to properly punctuate your paragraphs before you start going off at the mouth. As a matter of fact you probably need to go back to elementary school so that you can properly learn how to punctuate and spell basic words correctly.

    I’m not going to waste my time debating Britney because she doesn’t have anything to prove and furthermore Forbes isn’t the most reliable source when it comes to someone’s finances. They make ESTIMATIONS and they are even helpful enough to clarify them at the bottom of the page where it clearly states that they don’t take into account expenses.

  194. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 29, 2011

    @MESA Learn how to properly punctuate your paragraphs before you start going off at the mouth. As a matter of fact you probably need to go back to elementary school so that you can properly learn how to punctuate and spell basic words correctly.

    I’m not going to waste my time debating Britney because she doesn’t have anything to prove and furthermore Forbes isn’t the most reliable source when it comes to someone’s finances. They make ESTIMATIONS and they are even helpful enough to clarify them at the bottom of the page where it clearly states that they don’t take expenses into account.

  195. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    and the sued part…umm ask

    all these people beyonce settled out of court with

    or all these people that said shes a fraud..

    singers, fashion designers, songwritters, music producers

    ..oh i forgot..when it comess to beyonce the rules change..all these people that sued her and called her a fake bish..are just haters..

  196. Another Star December 29, 2011


  197. Marc :) December 29, 2011

    Okay, let me say something. For one, take it from someone who’s been listening to Adele before she was even signed, she’s not just listed under one genre. It’s so funny how EVERYONE brings Adele into this when they didn’t even start recognizing her until she hit mainstream. Shut it! Britney’s tour did do well, but was it because of talent? She doesn’t sing live and we all know. I’m a true Brit fan as well. Her name sells and we could see that just from her “comeback”. The comeback where she didn’t even really dance like Brit does. Rihanna, yeah she’s good at what she does and I purchase all of her things just like all of the above artist that I listed, but when it comes to talent, she lacks in comparison to Bey and you know. She knows it. Who does she look to for advice? Who does Adele admire? Yeah! That’s your answer right there and another thing, Bey’s release of ‘4’ knocked Adele’s ’21’ down to #2 in the UK. In her own country. Yeah. Shows you right there. Why sit here and argue about it though? Why hate on an artist who’s net worth is at 300 mill and growing? An artist who’s more than 10 years in the game and still singing LIVE and performing her ass off just like she’s been doing from the beginning. She was Billboard’s ‘2011 Artist of the Millennium’. She has 16 Grammys! More than any female listed in this thread. She’s broken several records and still continues to do so. All of this and you guys still go on talking crap like it’s going to change anything that’s happening in her life. You’re sitting behind a freaking computer screen venting your hate towards her, because you’re fueled with jealously over someone who’s just living their dream, while she’s continuing to live her life. She really doesn’t need any more awards or acknowledgement. At this point in her life, she could care less. She’s done everything she’s wanted to do and more. Hang it up already!

  198. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    beyonce never gotten sued…

    1.Abercrombie & Fitch…perfume
    2.100 million for taking a video game money and not do her part
    3. Des’ree-for steallin a song
    4. Bulgarian designer Iskren Lozanov- video phone..she stole his ideas for a bathing suit
    5.Hong Kong manufacturer Vier International Ltd-for breach of contract
    6.BC Jean- for stealling a song

    now i can go on…but its up to u……because one thing i enjoy is proving u bey stans wrong

  199. ANOTHER STAR December 29, 2011

    Lets Play A Game To Relieve Some Stress

    who can name how many Times Beyonce Has Been Sued for Stealing Ideas? Bet u can’t name em all! The First Person To Name Them All Gets A Free Copy of 4!

    Here’s Some

    Love On Top (video)
    One plus One(video)

  200. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    and so the f*** what if the rihanna stans think shes better than their opinion…

    and i bash beyonce show me where? like she stole my man…ok that part made me chuckle…
    when did telling the truth about a fraud becomes bashing?

    britney doesnt have it anymore????

    circus came out in 2008, around the same time as iam…and it has outsold Iam album and tour

    and femme fetale tour dvd has out sold 4 night in hell dvd..

    i swear u stan make it to damn easy for the HATERS

  201. RATEDXXX(Y R U MAD???) December 29, 2011

    please..beyonce does not always sing live..get the f*** out of here this this b*******…

    and shes worth 300 million?


    she knocked off adele of the charts but..adele still outsold her …so knocking her off the charts doesnt mean s***…

    and britney is not the same any more..ok and? shes still has accomplished way more than beyonces fake ass…britney did in 2 yrs what beyonce did in 6 yrs,,,,NEXT

    and beyonce aint trying to prove s*** to anybody…thats an oxymoron

    of course her stans going to claim she has her awards..thats all she has..and thanks to her daddy,

  202. unoriginal overrated beyonce! December 29, 2011

    w**** of babylon!

  203. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 29, 2011

    Ok, if Forbes is not reliable what source is? If you can refute the argument that Beyonce doesn’t really make that much or that someone makes morethan her, how would you know? Do YOU have the statement to her bank account?

    Forbes has and will always be a reliable source. Of course it doesn’t take into account what you spend but rather how much money you gross or earn. How could they only take the word of an artist/celebrity without researching themselves? So they call them up ask “hey how much money did you gross on your tour” they tell them 300 million and then they report it without support on their site and in their magazine? Stop.

    No the rules definitely still apply to Beyonce, you, in particular, won’t let that happen. But who are all of these people you’re referring to that call her a fraud or that she settles out of court with? I know of a couple that have had settlements (one with DC in which Michelle & Kelly were also apart of and another one with her as a solo artist). But who are the REST of the many “PEOPLE?”

  204. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 29, 2011

    Beyonce hasn’t been musically relevant in years. She hasn’t put out an album that has done well in today’s musical climate since 2008 and she hasn’t been working on any movies to subsidize her income. So please tell me how she is still supposedly pulling in millions on top of millions? that’s not even taking into account the NUMEROUS lawsuits that have been filed against her. I’m not saying that she’s broke but Forbes certainly isn’t putting everything on the table when they give their “estimations”.

  205. Another Star December 29, 2011

    Sam Fix Your S***!!! Because I have this h*** email just like she has mines.As amatter of fact I have all of the big mouths emails.X I found out who you really are not to long ago.I Got You B****! Watch Yourass You F***** Snake

  206. I’ma have to send her to her maker December 29, 2011

    1 million isn’t impressive anymore. Esp when adele is slaying. #opps YAWN….

  207. Trustatry December 29, 2011

    BIG. F******. DEAL.

    I am not a big Rihanna fan, but y’all take EVERY opportunity to take a dig at her (in some microwave/fast food sense) with her singles success and celebrate a WHOPPING 1 million for Beyonce.

    Fact – Katy Perry may have had 5 number 1 singles from ‘Teenage Dream’ but after TWO years – the album STILL hasn’t gone double platinum. Congrats to the milestones of every artist….but PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASE do one of three things: 1) stop condemning artists you hate 2) ONLY write about artists you love or 3) shut the f*** up and just be OBJECTIVE….WE GET IT, YOU HATE RIHANNA, YOU LOVE BEYONCE.

    Showing a pic of Queen Bey shopping for for her baby should NOT be considered groundbreaking news if your gonna counterpoint it with negative Rihanna post (once again NOT NOT NOT a big fan) because #1 album OR NOT, she IS a major fixture on the music scene, she will NEVER be as good an artist as Beyonce and you’re just starting to sound repetitive and BITTER. Build a bridge and GET OVER IT.

  208. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 29, 2011

    So albums and movies are her only ways of making millions? LOL! Since her album released in 2008 she’s done a world tour which grossed millions over 09 and 10. But with this year’s estimation it’s ALL from endorsements, clothing lines-and business ventures ALONE, no album or tour was included. So yeah, that’s how.

  209. 4FLOPSTAYINYOURLANEBIOTCH December 29, 2011

    Oh please you know Derion is not selling like THAT. #NEXT

  210. kitkitkitty December 29, 2011

    beyonce stays winning

  211. beyrules December 29, 2011

    beyonce stays slaying

  212. beyrules December 29, 2011

    and with no hit single, the beyhive are the best

  213. commanderofthedancefloor December 29, 2011

    i am tired of the excuse beyonce didnt have a hit single! btinh reached 17 and lot got to 20 yeah they arent top 10 but that is pretty good. your singles not performing well doesnt give you a reason for not selling albums period. that is all i have to say, you can go ahead and waste your words coming at me i will already tell you i wont waste my time on the likes of you!!!

  214. beyrules December 29, 2011

    the lessers stay hating

  215. kitkitkitty December 29, 2011

    @commanderof the dancefloor

    go buy ur faves album she is desperate to sell

  216. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ December 29, 2011

    So is that the only defense, that “Dereon” didn’t sell much (which we don’t know)? Just ignore the endorsements like L’Oreal and Vizio among others or her business ventures like Heat and Pulse? You’re right, next! LOL!

  217. Gilberto December 29, 2011

    First, since Beyoncé debuted she has outsold Britney.
    DIL 7 million + 5 Grammy + Crazy In Love > ITZ 6 million + Toxic
    B’day 5 million + Irreplaceable + Experience Tour > Blackout 3 million + One Of The Most Embarrassing Performance of All Time (Gimme More at VMA).
    IASF 7 million + Single Ladies + 6 Grammys + Video Of The Year (BET, VMA, EMA) + I Am… Tour > Circus 4 million + Circus Tour
    4 2 million (still charting) + Run The World at Billboard + Love On Top at VMA > Femme Fatalle 1.5 (out of the charts) + Selling tour tickets for $10 on Groupon.

    See? Britney is done. Lady Gaga f***** her career. Deal. Gaga made Britney’s life unbareable since her debut. She had 3 top 10 hits and nothing helped to save this failure called Femme Floptalle. Her world tour was a failure as well. She just sold out like 10 shows out of 70! LOL. There were several $10 tickets on Groupon. LMFAO. Here in Brazil, they were giving her concer tickets away! They were giving it for anyone for free. She struggled to sell 50% of the avenue. LOL.

    “4” is still on charting and it had a huge increase of sales this week without any promo. She isn’t desperately selling “4” for $4.99 like some other basic b******. DEAL. I would be worried if she had released an album follwing trends. She just recorded what she wanted. “4” isn’t about singles, music videos, etc, it’s just about the music itself. She has said it since the very beginning of the era. No one can deny that “4” failed to have an impact on radios, but she saved the era performing Love On Top at VMA and Run The World at Billboard Awards. Two iconic and memorable performances.

    DEAD @ people talking about stealing. I’m sure Beyoncé wasn’t the one who had to pay $1 million to a famous photographer because she was caught in the act of swagger jacking his work. LOL. No one lawsuited Beyoncé and this makes your point irrelevant. You know how it is :-). DEAL.

    Beyoncé sold 2 million without any real hit song. Katy Perry promoted her album everywhere for a year and half, did many tricks to make her singles go to the top, but “Teenage Dream” isn’t even close to 2 million. LOL. I can’t.

    DEAD @ Def Jam selling TTT for $4.99. What kind of cheap “Queen” is this? The album is out for a month! LOL.

    Everyone flopped next to Adele, who is the it girl of the moment. Her album is selling like bananas.
    21 has sold more than 4, Talk That Flop, Flopoud, Flopage Dream, Femme Floptale, Flop This Way, Flop Friday TOGETHER. I mean… T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R. She’s the queen of the music. No one came close to her. And she did all that sitting on a chair. LOL.

  218. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011

    So COOl !

    not impressed though …. 😡

    the only one who got my amazement this year is ADELE !! 🙂

    B****** , STAY mad !

    and get ready for her to “POP ” out that baby !
    but @sam :

    why u are not Unbiased and do not post rihanna’s TTT sales as well ?!

    and i won’t be talking about who support the gays , not interested in this particular point .
    but i know one thing , u gotta “FAKE” your sympathy with them to stay selling and being on Top !! many ppl did it before and still doing it and no one never stopped for a minute to think about it 😡
    i really feel sorry for them ” gays” to be used in such a so-LOW process … !!

    but this point is irrelevant to this post to say the least … unless you are speaking about who buy music now in 2011 !!
    the gay fans are the ones who will support you in your worst day ! #history

    so u need to “gain” their support sooner or later ! just mention them in a so ” hush-hush” interview and that’s it ! you are done getting their support.

    the whole thing make me feel sick and i am not even gay , but i hate using ppl to get $ ! and i am surly not speaking about beyonce ! i was speaking in general “clearly”

    so …..

  219. Girllllll December 29, 2011

    @ another star bxtch how bout you use your own catch line I’m tired of h*** using evelyns s*** to stay relevant

    I dnt care if your a beyonce fan or not WE ALL wanna know who the f*** this baby gonna look like cuz her man is not no walk in the park now jump on that beybots

  220. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011

    December 29, 2011 at 3:12 am

    i am tired of the excuse beyonce didnt have a hit single! btinh reached 17 and lot got to 20 yeah they arent top 10 but that is pretty good. your singles not performing well doesnt give you a reason for not selling albums period. that is all i have to say, you can go ahead and waste your words coming at me i will already tell you i wont waste my time on the likes of you!!!


    so what about ” RATED R” ?!
    it had the same thing back then.
    and guess what “song” went to #1 ?! the song which has no connection to the main theme of ” RR” !! the one which showed rihanna in her most “safest” zone !
    and if u wanna argue with a former rihanna stan on this point ! i say to u from now : do not try it !!

    but beyonce in “4” is beyonce in her most “daring zone” . (4) is risky and nothing is safe in it for her ” not even radio-friendly” singles to be released off it . name me one track in “4” which u can say that this is beyonce in her “comfort zone” !!?

    name me ….

    so that ” your singles not performing well doesnt give you a reason for not selling albums period. ” LINE need to be revised !! cuz “RR” is still here to disagree with that line.
    it is rihanna’s best of the best and it sold what : 3 millions WW to date ?! 8o

    so … plEASE !! 😡

  221. Gilberto December 29, 2011

    Can’t you write English without sounding like an asshole? You try to act like a ghetto b****, but you never set foot in a ghetto before. Just write the old and plain English.
    DEAD @ some people praying to Beyoncé’s baby to be born as ugly as Jay-z. LOL. Mathew Knowles, aka father of Beyoncé, isn’t the most handsome man out there. See what happened. Twice. LOL. If Babyoncé Carter-Knowles is born as beautiful as Beyoncé, people will go insane. She just gonna eat Popeye’s fried chicken and laugh at the basic b******. LOL.

    P.S. Her baby it’s already way more famous and richer than you’ll ever be. DEAL.

  222. Gilberto December 29, 2011

    @pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle )
    You’ve got a point. First, R&B isn’t as hot as it used to be. Second, RTW and Countdown aren’t radio-friendly. Her songs have been doing amazing on Urban radios, but Pop radios have sticked to the euro-pop/generic-dance-club songs. It’s too easy to smash on radios releasing what radios want. See how badly Rihanna’s California King Bed (or whatever how it’s called) and Mandown flopped on radios. They were sure supporting Rihanna before them, but as soon as she released something that wasn’t the current trend, they just ignored’em.
    “4” doesn’t have what radios want these days. This is the “problem”. Beyoncé was just looking to make good songs and she completly forgot that the market changed. No one could’ve made “4” work out in 2011. It’s a fact.
    See how in TTT, Def Jam made sure to have a few hits to support the album. WFL doesn’t fit the album at all, it was there just to guarantee that Rihanna would have a hit. The same thing happened to Rated R and Rude Boy.

    Now if Beyoncé had released a generic dance song and then it flopped, then you’d have room to talk.

  223. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011


    Xactly 🙂

    that’s why 3/4 of the tracks in TTT sound like hybrids of ” WMN” and “RB” !

    rihanna’s most safest “hits-making” formulae !! and they are so Radio-friendly ! so being #1 is not impressive if making radio-friendly singles is the main purpose after all !!

    me and u know what’s UP 😉

  224. YOOSONDALOOSE December 29, 2011

    Yes well done well deserved, this album rocked! More than a lot others can say! Should have happened faster but… Bey rocks!
    She may not have got a ‘hit single’ but she is getting singles up there! Who else they have released about 8 videos and the singles have also been successes? Her chart reign isn’t over yet becuase she will have more songs creep up there. Obvy she didn’t do as well as expected but this album rocks and I’m glad she got this!

  225. YOOSONDALOOSE December 29, 2011

    Wooo glad they updated wiki, her sales figures and certificates are slowly coming in 😀 WOO WELL DONE BEY!

  226. YOOSONDALOOSE December 29, 2011


  227. minajesty December 29, 2011

    at the end of the day, beyonce is a better singer and dancer than rihanna, and nothing can change that. i likr rihanna but she needs to keep changing her style to stay relevant, i mean 6 releases in 6 years? thats ridiculous. and she cant take 2 or 3 years off because everyone would have forgotten about her.

  228. Bey’knight December 29, 2011

    When was the last time Beyonce got sued for something musically inclined?

    Cus i see The Carters hater likes bringin up “sued every other week?
    This year she has a lawsuit on her hands but it has nothing to do with music

    There was no lawsuit involving any of her videos thiz era so there u go
    @another star

    She never claimed to write IIWAB. N she wsnt sued either. Bey is not d 1st to use finished material but yalp hear 1 thing n run with it. FYI: sampling a song is not illegal!

    U’l mention she settled out of court, but there’d be a lawsuit in place 1st for that to happen and even if it does, u have no clue how much is invoved stop actin like u know.

    Last i rmnr of Bey being sued for music was for baby boy, DIL era so shut it! Stop exaggerating. Bey doesnt get sued anymore than other artist. Ur evil wishes will not manifest on Beyonce but right back on u.

  229. Bey’knight December 29, 2011

    Btw the amout billboard quoted for her tour gross was for 2009 dates only. Beyonce’s tour ended in 2010 and grossed 104 million dollars in total. Look it up!

  230. Bey’knight December 29, 2011

    If any rhitard or loser or hater is still in denial just look up 100million + tour grossing club. A club rihaha will never be a member of.

    Its funny how everyone knew Bey grossed over 100m b4 now but rhitards/haters wan downplay Queen Bey’s superiority once again to make their puppet look good. Hmm how long yall gon keep this up for smh

  231. Phylton December 29, 2011

    4th platinum album x congrats Bey

  232. Songscribe December 29, 2011

    Congrats to Bey. I respect Bey for her talent, she is a good performer and love watching evry visual she puts out. However this unnecessary shade on riri is jus turnin me off for real. Rihanna wldn’t be where she is if she had no talent. She might not be the best performer out there but she is a good singer and she is flexible with her vocals. Sh can sing rock, r n b, pop etc and isnt tht talent. No record label would invest in a talentless artist pliz. I am not a huge fan of both but if they give me what i like i wld definitely buy it. I am afraid Bey will lose suporters if this hatred on other artists continues. Rihanna is being criticised for releasing an album every ”5 minutes” to maintain her relevence. O,K. Now Bey is scheduled to release hers next year. I wonder how u guys gonna report that. May this unnecessary blast on other artist stop because no artist can safely claim tht they are the best in this ever changing music industry, they ol learn from their mistakes and from one another so …..peace. Be still.

  233. TAYLOR SWIFTS NUMBER 1 FAN December 29, 2011

    Shes sold 1,036,793? Meh Taylor sold more than that in a week lmao

  234. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011

    taylor who ?!

    taylor lautner ?!! :p

  235. HALF AMAZIN December 29, 2011

    I hope you pressed queens know as much about relevant topics as you do Beyonce and Rihanna stats. Yall stay bickering like you got estrogen on tap in an IV pump! You defame each other in the name of someone who doesn’t know you. You gays stay doing the most. Nobody else on here proclaiming any celeb is doing s*** for the hetero’s or for the asexuals or whatever the f*** you may be that floats your boat! Shut the f*** up, damn. Talk about music without the rest of your b*******. I swear you queens must be on payroll to this blog for trolling.

  236. DUNKFAN December 29, 2011

    Janet’s 20y.o that yall consider a flop sold more then that.

  237. YOOSONDALOOSE December 29, 2011

    Love it go Bey!
    I knew she would do it before the end of the year, think it will sell more and more over time!

  238. KAT DELUNA FAN December 29, 2011



  239. Yellow Gorillah December 29, 2011

    femme fetale tour dvd has out sold 4 night in hell dvd..


    @RatedX Always has me Laughing up in here

    Ayways CONGRATS to beyonce FINALLY!! Selling 1million WW. The Album is still a FLOP because the H.I.V.S Said it was going to slay it was going to outsell all th epop girls but now she has sold the least out of everyone and rihanna 2 month album is already outselling it GURL BYE! The H.I.V.S are hypocrites like I have already stated If this was Rihanna. Katy, Gaga they would be the first to call it a FLOP.

    Nobody is even going to remember this era when it’s was all a BLUR

    2MILLION …….. Lady gaga already at 5.4million and they came out around the same time GURLLLLLL Looool Has Been

  240. TeamBreezy December 29, 2011

    “An expected feat given the length and breadth of her fame, yet a highly commendable one given the circumstances.”

    THIS B******* ASS STORY


  241. KAT DELUNA FAN December 29, 2011

    l love TGJ and l am a bey stan but this article is sheer b*******/ass kissing mess

    lmao at Nicki being the lastest female black singer to pass the 1.5 millions in the US.l am sure her next album will sell as faster as PF even if it’s released in February

  242. AYNON December 29, 2011

    i think a lot of people need to remember when comparing b to new artists who are big now…eg rihanna, adele, taylor swift, katy perry ect…that beyonce has been in the top three artists in the game since 2003, and she still is NOW.

    so what if 10 years later she cant sell albums like she could in the DIL and BDay days its frickin 10 years later…look at her main competition from back then, Britney, Xtina and P!nk…where are they now? Britney is flopping…Xtina is an obese b**** and now everyones heard her speak on ‘the voice’ we find her even more annoying and P!nk who is P!nk…need i say more

    B is still up there with the likes of Katy, Riri and Gaga who are Big atm… having said that B is still bigger than all of them even without a hit single since single ladies…haters keep hating.

  243. Josh December 29, 2011

    “And she didnt even have to cheapen it to 4.99 or feckin 99cents (no shade to Gaga) or release it during the holiday rush. All despite a 3weak leak. Where yo boss at?”

    hahahah, true.

  244. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011


    b**** please ……

  245. Yellow Gorillah December 29, 2011

    that beyonce has been in the top three artists in the game since 2003, and she still is NOW.

    ^^^ gurrrrrrrrrl WHAT Beyonce ain’t in the top three in NOTHING

    Adele, Rihanna and GAGA Made MOST of the End of year CHARTS! Beyonce was even lucky to make it into top 30 in some and she was no where to be seen in most…EEP it cute. Her fans still think we are in 2003 LOOOOOOOOOOL Gurl we on 2012 and she ain’t Running NOTHING! Only person she runs in Kelly Roland and Keri HIlson ,,, The POP Gurls are not worried

    Beyonce has been in the game for 13 years she is not NEW…. people are OVER her..she has made her legacy now she is just FADING it’s just the way it is!

    What I have clocked about Beyonce stans is that they always makes EXCUSES for beyonce flop’s,,,, Ohhh it’s not about the Number’s and SALES it’s all about the Music and Critical Acclaim GURLL Bye since when did the H.I.V.S Care about the music when beyonce ha sben creating the SAME sound for 10 years …. I think she should just go and raise her baby and save herself from embarrassment.

  246. Girllllll December 29, 2011


    I know you of all people is not on here talking s*** about the way ppl speak English ! Boy if you dnt go sit down somewhere you dnt know s*** about “the ghetto” so please dnt speak on it

    And if this baby do come out as beautiful as beyonce I’m sure your fat ass is gonna be the one at popeyes VIP line status #biggirl

  247. REE December 29, 2011


  248. Respect December 29, 2011

    Yall are just ignorant… Do you really know the difference between R&B and Pop ?? 4 was an R&B album, but 21 was a complete Pop/Soul album… Not r&b at all !! ARE YOU CRAZY ?

  249. fatu sankoh December 29, 2011

    you go bey you are the best your 4 album is one of the best album ever congrate and god bless you the baby and your family for life long live the queen

  250. pop royalty ( I Do The Wiggle Wiggle ) December 29, 2011

    @Yellow gorillah :

    first of all , who said charts is the only thing that matters ?!!

    and do not tell me “TTT” sounds nothing like LOUD : reloaded !

    and beyonce is not fading !! think again.

    and please remember : stans will always be stans !! look at u before talking about someone else !!!

    and u speak about pop gurls , so why rihanna do not sell as adele ?!

    why ?!

  251. Theman December 29, 2011

    Christina is just coming off a #1 hit, and she’s about to do her thing with her new material. Pink’s last album sold about or close to 2 mil in the US, her GH is platinum, and that had two huge hits on it. One was a #1 and the other a top ten hit i belive. Pink’s last album also sold around 6-7 mil ww. Thats where they have been. What the heck are you on….

  252. AYNON December 29, 2011

    you haters make me LAUGH like when LMFAO try and say they’re NOT called laughing my f*cking a*** off.

    Xtina #1 hit…….preaching like it was hers…it was Maroon 5’s she was featured for 30 seconds, needless to say it would have been #1 even if Alexis Jordan featured on it, its a catchy song.

    bionic flopped harder than Here I am and hasn’t even GONE GOLD…………KEEP HATING


    her LAST album sold 7 milli WW…irrelevant IASF sold 7 milli WW and close to 3 milli in the US, about her GH being Platinum DC’s #1s is Platinum in 3 Countries and contains hits you clearly didn’t ‘CHECK ON IT’………..KEEP HATING

    On Beyonce not being at the top of the game NOW

    B**** PLEASE

    just in 2011

    Billboard Millennium Award

    2 Grammy Nominations (not good ones but still nominations)

    MTV’s Album of the Year…4

    MTV #7 Artist of the year…yes i know riri is at #6 but she has had MUCH a better year than B so of course she higher than B…albeit ONE PLACE

    GLASTONBURY PERFORMANCE… would katy, rihanna, gaga be invited to perform at GLASTONBURY… riri was a t V festival I was there at both the girl had NOTHING on B at glasto.

    RTW – VMA best choreography

    AMAs Best Female rnb – BEYONCE

    biggest twitter subject EVER – Beyonces pregnant.

    4s 1 million sales in the US alone WITHOUT A SINGLE HIT IN THE TOP 10

    first week album sales 310,000 no hit single

    TTT – 192,000
    teenage dream – 197,000
    ill give you born this way…

    with hit singles and all the bells on top.

    dont get me wrong i love katy, riri, gaga ect…but they are not on Bs level FACT..(gaga is getting there)

    none of them are headlines glastonbury,

    none of them are singing at the inauguration

    none their actions were the most talked about subjects on twitter

    none of them of can still make the top 10 biggest earners of the year ON THEIR YEAR OFF

    do you want me carry on…I will

    HATERS….keep hating

  253. TinaMinaj December 29, 2011

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! DEAD @ the navy bringing Adele into this and calling her album rnb. Please refer to billboard before making a complete and utter fool of yourself and acquaint yourself with the rnb chart. Thanx 🙂

  254. AYNON December 29, 2011

    OH and Im glad noone mentioned britney B**** cos id have torn her down and all

  255. TinaMinaj December 29, 2011

    Bt you know what, the navy can go on about how Bey’s sales are luck-luster but BEYONCE WILL FOREVER BE A BETTER ARTIST THAN RIHANNA AND YOU WILL DEAL!!! ANYTHING RIHANNA CAN DO ARTISTICALLY, BEYONCE CAN DO BETTER!!! FACT!!!!

  256. WHUT December 29, 2011

    The navy enters this thread to bring you the Very latest in TTT’s floppage.

    According to mediatraffic that FLOP B**** RIhanna has sold 365k WW this week.

    Therefore in 5 weeks TTT’s total sales amount to

    504k+282k+249k+268k+365k = 1668000.

    Pratically 1.7m in 5 weeks WHAT A FLOP.


  257. WHUT December 29, 2011

    KI at this failure taking 6 months to hit 2m WW and the Queen strolling to 1.7m in JUST 5 WEEKS!!


  258. Another Star ( 2 You NMFF) December 29, 2011

    That wasn’t me BeyKnight Some B**** With Nothing Else To Do With Their F***** Time Wants To Be Me I See!!! You H*** Are So Damn Weak

  259. Another Star ( 2 You NMFF) December 29, 2011

    I don’t look up everydamn thing about her just and she’s my fave.I never checked s*** on the internet about her being sued.Yet these basic bumbitches are taking up time out of their loser lives to talk about her lawsuits,her husband people he has dealt with in his past,her child,whoes better than her and on and on.yall are a bunch of jealous ignorant non mother f***** factors.She will continue to be blessed while all yall can do is sit on your stupidass and wish bad on her.That’s why yall are where you are now in life.The Bottom Of The Barrell and Sewer where you belong.That’s All off to more important things.Chow

  260. DenimJunkieKidd December 30, 2011

    lmao all the rihanna shade, but loud out sold 4 in american and world wide, talk that talk has sold 1.5 mill world wide and over 400k in the US…..just because she doesn’t have a number 1 album doesn’t mean she doesn’t sell in the long run #basicbitches

  261. Chris December 30, 2011

    Thank God she’s pregnant it’s such a gracious excuse to why she’s lacking in sales. Some artist just have their years. Hell Beyonce’s been having her years consectuively for a long time now. Her career was obleteriated when she release RTW. But I can’t help but suspect that this set back is a result of her dropping her father. I really enjoyed Beyonce’s album ”4” But year goes to Adele, Rihanna, Katy Perty, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce respectivaly Britney is an honorary since she been selling out as a solo act since forever.

  262. DEZI December 30, 2011

    The end of 2011 is here and she didn’t want to enter the new year without “4” reaching platinum. Beyonce and her camp are so predictable and calculating give it up already,

  263. ADELE December 30, 2011

    You guys are so sad, everybody else can discount their album, s*** Rihanna signed a deal with Best Buy to buy a smart phone, and get a copy of TTT free, and sold Rated R for $.99 the day of release, and you guys see nothing wrong with that, but Beyonce after 6 months reduce her album to 7.99 for the Christmas Holidays, and she’s desperate. Focus on Rihanna and why the US is not supporting her this era with a pop album during the holidays when album sales are the highest. Beyonce released an RnB album, and still went platinum. Rihanna is so lucky she was touring in the UK during the time her album was released because that s*** would have flopped WW if she wasn’t.

  264. ADELE December 30, 2011

    Don’t talk about flop when Rihanna had to the biggest flop of 2010 with her album Rated R, which she did three months of world wide promotion, and had a WW tour to support that album which also FLOPPED according to POLLSTAR. Everyone flop sometimes. Beyonce had one flop album, Rihanna had three, and a Flop tour, so it happens to everybody. It just took Beyonce 15 years, and a pregnancy to do it.

  265. ADELE December 30, 2011

    Damn, I forgot t comment on the post, these RITARDS distracted me, anyway, congrats Beyonce, even though I mad at how this era was handled. Hopefully the new era would be handled better, and she won’t be pregnant, so she will be able to promote.

  266. IHOMOWOMAN December 30, 2011


  267. Army Of Queen /.\ (Aaliyah) & Queen Bee (Lil Kim) >>>>>>>> Your Fave ! December 30, 2011

    December 29, 2011 at 10:51 am

    l love TGJ and l am a bey stan but this article is sheer b*******/ass kissing mess

    lmao at Nicki being the lastest female black singer to pass the 1.5 millions in the US.l am sure her next album will sell as faster as PF even if it’s released in February

    B**** PLEASE ! When Did NICKI Become A SINGER ?!

    P.S. FLOP FRIDAY Sold 1.3 Million On The Global Charts !
    Beyonce ‘4’ – 2.1 Million >>>>> FLOP Friday

  268. StarBey December 31, 2011

    Lol at the R****** navy Loud came out over a year and only sold 1.4 million in the Us in over a year with 3 N0#1 hits……While 4 came out six months ago with no hits what so ever an already sold 1 million …if I remember correctly it took Loud well over six months to sell 1 million in the US hahaha haterzzzzzz stay mad b******

  269. Swagahigh December 31, 2011

    Adele is not r&b she is Adult pop category duhhhhhhhhhhh beyonce has no number 1 single with this album and still goes platinum @Rihanna def jam buying them singles haha how you gone sale 20 million albums and 60 milliOn singles and release 6 al

  270. commanderofthedancefloor January 1, 2012

    i said i wouldn’t comment back but i had to

    beyonce comfort zone ex. best thing i never had, i care, i was here, 1+1, countdown, and end of time. those songs remind me of both some songs on dangerously in love and b’day.

    and just like a bey stan to bring up rihanna! first RR when it came to sells sucked it tanked and there is no excuse. i don’t try to make excuses for why an album doesn’t sell i could sit here and say oh rr was this and that but no matter what it still didn’t sell.

    oh and me saying it is not selling doesn’t mean i am saying the album itself sucks. i just think bey stans need to own up to this album not selling and say yes it is a good album it is one of her best but it is not a good seller, and stop with the same old lines the singles weren’t good, it wasn’t radio friendly which btinh, party, countdown would all beg to differ. just own up to it not selling and move on!
    by the way adele although a freak of music nature managed really well with no radio friendly songs!!!

  271. Mb92 January 1, 2012

    Adele would be considered as R&B. i mean her singles does get played on R&B stations, and i wouldn’t consider her songs pop sorry. they’re more jazz, or soul to be honest

  272. riri January 2, 2012

    LMAO @ rihanna yet again in another beyonce post! I sure will remember this when they try to come @ beyonce stans when they are in rihanna post!

    beyonce is going nowhere. and her album 4 was pretty good.

  273. riri January 2, 2012

    by the way adele although a freak of music nature managed really well with no radio friendly songs!!!

    b*******! someone like you is a radio friendly songs and so are many other songs she has released!

    Adele song is NOT r n b, more like typical ballad!

  274. DivoBoii January 26, 2012

    Why do ppl waste energy an time on these nonsense. All these girls are making their money Beyonce, Gaga, Riri, Britney, Adele etc. And what is ppl doing? Wasting their time is stupid wars with insults being thrown here and there. The fact is all those girls mentioned (especially Beyonce and Britney) Have secured their place in music history already. Facts! They don’t have to prove nothing to so-called fans or illiterates either

  275. DivoBoii January 26, 2012

    And you all are allowing certain ppl to form opinions of you (don’t give anybody that power). The fact is they’re better off then everybody up in here

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